Resource Websites
The American Association of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (AATCVM) is a non-profit organization founded in 2006 to promote high quality research in all aspects of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) including acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, Tui-na and Food therapy. http://www.aatcvm.org/
American Association of Veterinary Acupuncturists (AAVA) is a source for communication, continuing education, and support for Veterinary Acupuncturists in the United States. http://www.aava.org/
The American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association explores and supports alternative and complementary approaches to veterinary healthcare, and is dedicated to integrating all aspects of animal wellness in a socially and environmentally responsible manner. http://www.ahvma.org/
The mission of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM) is to enhance animal and human health by advancing veterinary internal medicine through training, education, and discovery. http://www.acvim.org/websites/acvim/index.php?p=2
Biting-Back's goal is to raise pet cancer awareness and contribute to the ongoing effort to find better cancer treatments that will improve the length and quality of life of our beloved companions. http://www.biting-back.com/
Also see the Pet Loss Support page for related links.
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Donations for Animal Cancer Research Websites
The Animal Cancer Foundation (ACF) is dedicated to finding a cure for cancer by funding research in and promoting public awareness of comparative oncology, the study of naturally occurring cancers in humans and companion animals. http://www.acfoundation.org/
The National Canine Cancer Foundation is a nationwide, contribution funded, 501 (c)(3) non-profit corporation dedicated to eliminating Cancer as a major health issue in dogs by funding grants directly to Cancer researchers who are working to save lives, find cures, better treatments and accurate, cost effective diagnostic methods in dealing with canine Cancer. http://www.wearethecure.org/
Smiling Blue Skies
On March 27, 2001, our beautiful "Blues" lost his battle with lymphoma. He was the sun and moon and stars to us. He was our Smiling Blue Skies. He was everyone's Blues Man. In Blues' memory, a special cancer fund has been set up through the University of Guelph's Ontario Veterinary College Pet Trust Fund. http://www.smilingblueskies.com/
Hannibal and Nina Cancer Foundation is about giving every dog and cat the chance he or she deserves to survive cancer. At best it is about beating cancer. At the least it is about giving people and their beloved pet more time together - more time to create a few more precious moments and lasting memories as well as ensure that each beloved pet lives a long healthy life. All proceeds will be donated to: Matthew J. Ryan Veterinary Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Oncology Department. http://www.hanniandninacancerfoundation.org/
Paws With A Cause® trains Assistance Dogs nationally for people with disabilities and provides lifetime team support which encourages independence. PAWS® promotes awareness through education. http://www.pawswithacause.org/
FETCH a Cure is a 501 ©(3) non-profit organization determined to improve the quality of life for pets focused on the issues of pet health, specifically cancer and aging, and the human-animal bond. http://www.fetchacure.com/
VetCancerSociety.com is an on line resource for information on Stomach cancer and Mesothelioma cancer. http://www.vetcancersociety.com/
Animal Clinical Investigation (ACI) bridges the veterinary community with the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, working together to develop treatments for pets with cancer and other complex medical conditions. http://www.animalci.com/
School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Wisconsin - Madison http://www.vetmed.wisc.edu/home/
Colorado State University, Animal Cancer Center (ACC). The ACC continues to pursue a cure for cancer through our clinical oncology service, clinical trials, advanced clinical and research training for veterinarians, innovative research and specialized consultation service available for clients and referring veterinarians. http://www.csuanimalcancercenter.org/
Perseus Foundation
The foundation's mission is to educate the public and scientific community about the biologic similarity of cancer in pets and people; also, to communicate the ways in which comparative oncology is accelerating the treatment, and prevention of cancer. http://www.perseusfoundation.org/
Bone Cancer Dogs, Inc. is a nonprofit public benefit corporation and is not organized for the private gain of any person. It is organized under the Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation Law of the State of New Jersey. The purposes for which this corporation is organized are to provide education and charitable assistance, specifically:
1. To provide funding to non-profit organizations and/or universities and colleges of veterinary medicine for research related to the curative and palliative treatment of canine osteosarcoma, its prevention and the advancement and use of these findings which may impact the treatment of canine companions.
To communicate and share the findings from research related to the curative and palliative treatment of canine osteosarcoma and its prevention.
To raise awareness of the curative and palliative treatment of canine osteosarcoma and its prevention.
To provide public and professional education regarding the curative and palliative treatment of canine osteosarcoma and its prevention.
To provide support and hope to families and their canine companions who have been impacted by canine osteosarcoma.
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Donations for Treatment
Organizations that offer financial assistance for cancer treatment to owners in need.
The Dog and Cat Cancer Fund
The Popeye Animal Cancer Foundation
(link to pdf document)
Canine Cancer Awareness
The Magic Bullet Fund
The Riedel & Cody Fund
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